Family Tree Reunion Scratch Off Cards Game - 22 Ct
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Family Tree Reunion Scratch Off Cards Game - 22 Ct
SKU: BD5656so-gen
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Gather your friends and get ready for a fab night out with this creative Family Gathering Party activity. Fun but not very risque, scratch off dare cards are sure to be a hit with everyone! With dares like "Show Grandma Your Most Embarrassing Photo" and "Tell Your Best Dad Joke," everyone will be willing to participate without getting into too much trouble. If you want to make it a bit more challenging, there is a pass card and "Choice Card" to make your party perfectly suited for your group of friends. Family Gathering Party dare cards will give you plenty of memories - and photos - to giggle about for a long time!
Family Tree Reunion - Family Gathering Party Scratch Off Dare Cards:
- SIMPLE: Hand out cards all at once, or distribute throughout the night. Each cardholder scratches off their card to reveal their dare.
- TWIST: Guests can opt out of their dare by buying the Host a drink!
- TRUTH-OR-DARE: Opt out of a dare by answering a "TRUTH" question from the Host.
- Note: Dares aren't very risque, so you can have a fun night out without next-day regrets.
22 Dare Cards:
- Do an Impression of Grandpa
- Dance With the Youngest Person Here
- Show Grandma Your Most Embarrassing Photo
- Take a Selfie With the Oldest Person Here
- Tell Your Best Dad Joke
- Have an Uncle Post to Social Media on Your Phone
- Take a Selfie With Someone Who Looks Like You
- Give Someone a Piggyback Ride
- Sing a Song With the Word “Family” in the Title
- Pass! Give Someone With Kids a Dare
- Spell Your Last Name Backwards
- Give a Tree a Big Hug
- Serenade Someone Whose Birthday is Close to Yours
- Name as Many Family Pets as You Can in 30 Seconds
- Draw Your Stick Figure Family on Someone’s Arm
- Take a Selfie With as Many People as You Can
- Swap Shoes With Someone
- Pretend to Be the Family Pet
- Start a Dance Train
- Grandma’s Choice!
- Recite a Poem Using the Words “Tree” and “Uncle”
- Have a Snack Eating Contest With the Person to Your Left
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